Women's Timber Corps, Culford Training Camp, Bury St. Edmunds

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Give the Lumberjills a voice 

Keep the Memory of The Women’s Timber Corps Alive

Joanna Foat, author of Lumberjills Britain’s Forgotten Army, has launched a Kickstarter campaign to help fund an audio version of her book, giving the heroes of the Women’s Timber Corps of WW2 a voice. The fund raising campaign marks five years since the publication of her history book Lumberjills Britain's Forgotten Army.

The New Forest and Hampshire County Show

30th July - 1st August 2024

Meet author Joanna Foat and her small team of young Lumberjills to discover the exciting world of the Women’s Timber Corps in WW2.

Come and see crosscut sawing, try measuring timber and at 2pm each day Joanna will share the fascinating stories of what life was like for the Lumberjills... TIMBERRRR!

Buy print book direct from author

"The Lumberjills Britains Forgotton Army is a true story full of anecdotes about the girls doing their bit during the Second World War, reminding us of the incredible hard work they undertook helping to keep Britain safe. 

"From her interviews Joanna Foat has brought to life their camaraderie, strength and endurance and great sense of humour throughout. So many people have never heard of Lumberjills so how fitting a tribute to these wonderful young women of the 1940's."

Buy print book direct from author

"A powerful story of hardship and friendship, based on the author’s own original research. I was rooting for these girls to prove themselves on their challenging adventure." 

Suzanne Goldring

best-selling author of My Name is Eva

Meet the Lumberjills


‘Many of the lumberjills I met were upset that they remained a footnote in history, so I wanted to make sure they were remembered. Now their incredible feats of physical and mental endurance inspire women today. Given the freedom and opportunity to work together out in the forest, the lumberjills became very strong and were a huge success.’ 

Joanna Foat

  Celebrating Women in History